Gadgets & Electronics Gadgets

Reconciling Technology And Cooking

The evolution of technology continues to impress us day after day. New technologies are used in many areas to reduce human effort. However, we can become dependent on them if we are not able to limit their use. Here, we will talk about technology in the kitchen to improve the experience in the kitchen. To do this, the appliances below are essential.

Now, more than ever, our kitchen has undergone a modernization period, and there are more and more gadgets that you can buy to make your life easier and smoother. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the list of gadgets that you ought to have in your kitchen.

Connected household appliances

The connected precision sous-vide cooker

This equipment helps maintain the nutritional values of food while cooking. To start:

  1. Select the dish you want to cook via the app on your smartphone.
  2. Put the ingredients in a tightly sealed bag, then hang it on a pot filled with water.
  3. Insert the precision cooker in it to heat the water to the right temperature depending on the type of cooking.
  4. Expect to pay $148 for this device.

The refrigerator


There are connected refrigerators on the market with a touch screen. These devices can be controlled by voice commands. In addition, you can watch the contents of your refrigerator through the camera on the door from outside. Depending on the model, prices range from $2,500 to 8,000.

The connected pressure cooker

If you are a beginner in the kitchen, the connected pressure cooker will be of great help. Via an application, you can consult any recipe and connect the device via Bluetooth. This application also helps you appropriately adapt the fire’s intensity according to the dish being cooked. This device costs about 180 dollars.

The connected oven

A connected oven has a built-in screen that can reach 7 inches depending on the model. This screen displays the downloaded recipes. You can also adjust the cooking temperature with your smartphone. The price of a connected oven is about 12 000 dollars.

Food processors

The food processor

Unlike a multi-cooker, a food processor has more than a dozen functions. In addition to classic cooking, here is a non-exhaustive list of what you can do with :

  • Steaming
  • Simmering
  • Cut and slice. 
  • Keep warm
  • Knead
  • Grate
  • Whisk
  • Mixer

You need at least 250 dollars to buy a classic model. Expert models can cost up to 1 000 dollars minimum.

The Moley food processor

This robot reproduces exactly the recipes that it records through a 3D camera. Thanks to its robotic arms, it is capable of cutting, chopping, and kneading like a human being. In addition, it can teach you how to cook and guide you to balance the energy values you need in your meals. By opening a savings account, you can certainly afford it, as it costs around $270,000.

The 3D food printer

You can make pizzas, cookies, or bites in a shape that is impossible to replicate by hand with a 3D food printer. Most of these printers use the extrusion mechanism. You simply feed the dough-like ingredients into the device and then print your meal in 3D, layer after layer, using an extruder syringe. Its price is increasingly accessible to individuals; 6,000 dollars is enough to buy it.

Augmented reality


Augmented reality consists in combining the real world with the virtual to give you an illusion of perfect integration. In the kitchen, you can use Google Glass, for example, to create or follow a recipe live while cooking. This technology is very convenient, as you have the ability to follow the instructions right before your eyes.

Sound off in the comments section and tell us which of these gadgets you dream of owning.

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